General Idea

A general two-level circuit can be seen as either a \(CNF\) or a \(DNF\). If the fan-in is restricted, then the circuit becomes a \(k-CNF\) or \(k-DNF\). We can describe how a circuit simplifies under a random restriction. This would allow us to reduce the depth of a circuit.

Formalization and Proof

Lemma 1(Håstad’s Switching Lemma) Suppose \(f\) is an \(n\) input function expressible as a \(k-DNF\), after a random restriction \(\rho\) of \(t\) randomly selected inputs, for every \(s \ge 2\): \begin{equation} \mathop{\mathrm{P}}\limits_{\rho} (f|_\rho\text{ is not expressible as an } s-CNF) \le \left(\frac{(n-k)k^{10}}n\right)^{\frac{s}2} \end{equation} in which \(f|_\rho\) is \(f\) under the restriction \(\rho\).

Proof. To prove this lemma, we need to prove that the number of “bad restrictions” that restrict \(f\) to functions not expressible as an \(s-CNF\) is relatively small. The way we do this is to find a one-to-one mapping from such a restriction \(\rho\) to a member in \(R_{n-t-s} \times [2]^c\), in which \(c = O(s \log k)\) and \(R_m\) is the set of restrictions on \(m\) inputs. We could see this as mapping \(\rho\) to \((\rho\pi, \text{ some auxiliary information})\), where the auxiliary information is only necessary to compute the invert of the mapping.

Before we construct such a mapping, we need to point out an important fact. Since \(f|_\rho\) is inexpressible as a \(s-CNF\), there must be a set of variables \(\{x_i\}\) such that by a proper restriction on these variables we could make \(f|_\rho\) a zero function with the size of the set \(>s\) (or we could find all such sets and \(\wedge\) the clauses derived from each such set). Additionally, there isn’t a subset of this set that has the same property (exists a restriction that turns the original function into zero function). We denote by \(\pi\) the corresponding restriction on this set.

Next, we try to construct such a mapping. Suppose \(C_1 \dots C_{m}\) are the clauses (ordered) in the \(k-DNF\) that is equal to \(f\). Since \(f|_\rho \neq \mathbf{1}\), the clauses are either fixed to 0 or undecided. Thus, from the left to the right, there is a clause \(C_{i_1}\) that is the first to not be set to 0. Let \(\pi_1\) be a restriction that only restricts the free variables \(\pi\) restricts in this clause. Since \(\pi\) makes the function zero, \(\pi_1\) must also set \(C_{i_1}\) to zero. We iterate this process to get \(\pi_2\dots\) until the total number of variables restricted is equal to \(s\). The last \(\pi_p\) might be trimmed arbitrarily. Let \(\sigma_i = \neg \pi_i\), we define the restriction in the mapping of \(\rho\) as \(\rho\sigma_1\dots\sigma_p\).

Next, we show how to revert this process. Define \(s_i\) as the number of variables restricted by each \(\sigma_i\). We find from the left to the right the first clause that is fixed to 1. By the process we get the \(\sigma_i\)’s, all the variable \(\sigma_1\) restricts is in this clause. We then use \(s_1 \log n\) bits to record all the variables restricted by \(\sigma_1\). We could then compute \(\rho\pi_1\sigma_2\dots\sigma_p\) and repeat this process to find all the \(\sigma_i\). For \(\sigma_p\), the first clause might be undecided, but this would not tamper with the inversion. Thus, we need at most \(\sum_{i}s_i \log n = s\log n\) auxiliary bits.

With such a one-to-one mapping, we know that there are at most \(\binom{n}{t+s}2^{t+s}\cdot 2^{s\log n} = \binom{n}{t+s}2^{t+s}n^s\) such “bad restrictions”. Thus, the probability that \(\rho\) is a bad restriction is at most

\begin{equation} \frac{\binom{n}{t+s}2^{t+s}n^s}{\binom{n}{t}2^t} \le \left(\frac{(n-k)k^{10}}n\right)^{\frac{s}2} \end{equation}

The last inequality needs some estimate techniques. \(\tag*{$\blacksquare$}\)


  • This lemma also stands if \(CNF\) and \(DNF\) switch place.
  • This lemma does not concern the size of \(f\).
  • In reality \(t\) is often close to \(n\), say, \(n-\sqrt{n}\).

Example Applications

One of the most well-known applications of this lemma is that

Theorem 1 (Parity is not in AC0) \(\oplus \notin \mathrm{\mathbf{AC}}^0\), in which \(\oplus (x_1,\dots x_n) = \sum_{i} x_i \text{ (mod 2)}\).

Proof. Suppose we have a circuit in \(\mathrm{\mathbf{AC}}^0\) that could compute \(\oplus\). Without loss of generality, suppose the circuit satisfies some conditions:

  • All fan-outs are 1
  • There is no \(\neg\) gates in the circuit
  • The \(\wedge\) and \(\vee\) gates alternate between each layer
  • The bottom level has \(\wedge\) gates of fan-in 1

We show that we could use the switching lemma to gradually reduce the depth of the circuit to 2. Suppose the size of the circuit has upper bound \(n^b\). Consider the two bottom layers of the circuit, \(\vee\) and \(\wedge\). Each \(\vee\) computes a \(CNF\). For the \(i^{th}\) step, let \(t_i = n_i - \sqrt{n_i}\) and \(k_i = 10b2^i\). Thus, after the restriction, with probability at least \(1 - \frac1{10n^b}\), we could express the new function with a \(k_{i+1}-CNF\). We could then merge the top layer of the new \(CNF\) with the third layer in the circuit, which is also a \(\wedge\) layer. We could then repeatedly use the switching lemma. With high probability (at least \(1-\frac{dep(C)}{10n^b}\) by union bound), we could get a two layer circuit that has a small width \(k\). Thus, we could fix the \(k\) free variables to make the function constant. However, \(\oplus\) could not be made constant by fixing \(k < n\) variables, which is a contradiction.

Thus, \(\oplus \notin \mathrm{\mathbf{AC}}^0\) \(\tag*{$\blacksquare$}\)